Angelo van der Klift (Digital)
December 1st, 2024

The Age Newspaper (Print and Digital)

Article by Stephen Brook, Photography by Eddie Jim
It is the last place any child wants to be at Christmas.
But sick children are being whisked away from their hospital beds and transformed into the star of their own photographic fantasy world thanks to some festive magic in the form of a digital camera, a green screen and Photoshopping wizardry.
A green screen and some digital wizardry made eight-year-old Isabel's dream come true.
The Heart Project’s Christmas Wish initiative started small in 2016, but the joyous idea has now spread across the world to New Zealand, Britain, the United States and Canada.
“This Christmas season we are creating art that brings some joy and hope to the families that are going through very real challenges,” says founder, photographer Karen Alsop.
“Some of the families’ desperate need and hope is to be home during this period and that doesn’t happen, so we can put up some artwork that takes them to a different place.”
The latest recipient, Isabel Gleeson, sat in her wheelchair in the hospital garden at Monash Children’s Hospital last week for the unveiling of her photo. (Print and Digital)

DIY Photography (Digital)

The Adelaide Advertiser (Print)

My Modern Met (Digital)

SapoViagens (Digital)

le Petit (Digital)

The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald (Print and Digital)